Legos For Adults

Lego games have come a long way since my brothers and I had to Lego.

Lego is a branch of the Danish original signature called Lego, however, Lego can thus be regarded as an independent company in its own right.

These sets of Lego are much better day just building blocks boxes intertwined, themed Lego sets are now to be more applicable to the particular interests of a child.

Lego is seeing a resurgence.

The "LEGO" name is not a real word, even in Danish. Rather, it is an acronym of the two Danish words "leg godt of" meaning "play well."

It is the name and emblem of the Lego Group Lego Group.

The Lego Group was the darling Ole Kirk Kristiansen in 1932 and the Lego company remained in the hands of the Kristiansen family until today.

The current owner of the Lego Group's Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen, grand-son of the company founder.

Mission Statement Lego group is the same everywhere and that is:
'Inspire and develop the builders of tomorrow'

Lego explains this by saying that their main objective is to "inspire and develop the children to think creatively, reason systematically and release their potential to shape their own future.

- Experience the endless human possibility"

The Lego Group now has over 130 subsidiaries and affiliates worldwide, one of which is Lego.

Modestly in a small carpentry Danish labor Bilund beginning, the Lego Group has become the largest toy manufacturer in the world of the fifth, but still has its headquarters in Bilund.

The Lego Group for the construction of basic component is the famous Lego block eight stud, which has remained unchanged since 1958.

In fact, it is unlikely to ever be modified as it is estimated that over 900 million combined in different ways only six of these blocks together.

More than 900 million different ways to mix only six Lego building blocks of a size and color!

Think of the possibilities if you give a child a box of Lego building blocks of different sizes and colors.

Lego take seriously education and since the seventies, the Lego Group has extended its product range to include younger and older people, the block is Duplo for preschoolers and are quite substantial for small hands handle and too large to swallow.

For older children, adolescents and adults, there are electric motors that can be incorporated into computer models that can be controlled.

A famous British TV presenter Lego contacted to help build a Lego house to live.

In fact, the same size, twenty feet, the house was built by volunteers using 1000 3.300.000 bricks and everything is made of Lego building blocks.

Yes, everything, including toilet, sink with mixer, the cat and the loaf pan.
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